Looking for a new job can be a daunting task, but there are ways to make the process easier and more successful. One of the best ways to make your job search more efficient is to work with a recruiter. In this blog post, we'll explore four reasons why you should consider using a recruiter when searching for a new job. From access to hidden job opportunities to help with salary negotiation, recruiters can provide valuable assistance throughout the job search process. So, whether you're just starting your search or have been looking for a while, read on to learn why working with a recruiter might be the best move you can make.

Saving You Valuable Time and How To Aid Your Recruiter 

If you’re like most people, you spend a lot of time searching for new jobs. You look at job boards and LinkedIn, send out your CV, and wait for the responses to roll in. While you’re waiting for those responses, recruiters spend the entire day searching for job opportunities for you. That’s at least 8 hours a day dedicated to finding you a job.

Experts In Our Field 

As specialised recruiters in the catering and hospitality sector, we have a deep understanding of our candidates' career aspirations. We are familiar with the typical career path of our candidates and are well-positioned to present promotion opportunities at the most appropriate time.

As experts in our field, we understand the high-pressure and demanding nature of roles such as Sous Chef or Restaurant Manager and the importance of matching our candidates with the right working environment where they can thrive under pressure and find fulfillment in their jobs.

Recruiters Help You Through The Process 

A good recruiter, like our consultants at Twentysix Recruitment, work to identify and provide the most qualified candidates to their clients. We assist in preparing candidates for interviews and negotiate competitive salaries to ensure that our candidates feel valued and respected.

Throughout the process, we keep candidates informed and maintain regular communication to offer a personalised service. By working with Twentysix Recruitment, candidates can rely on a team of consultants dedicated to finding employment opportunities on their behalf.

Nothing To Lose, Everything To Gain 

We do not charge candidates for the services we provide in finding them employment. Essentially, all of our candidates have a team of dedicated consultants working tirelessly to identify the best and highest-paying job opportunities.

By submitting your CV to Twentysix Recruitment, you have more chances of getting your dream job rather than just relying on job boards.

Even if we don't find the ideal job right away, we will keep searching and keep your resume with us. You never know when the perfect opportunity might arise.


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